Building a community of acceptance, inclusion and access in the Tampa Bay area and beyond.

Welcome to the Tampa Bay

Letter Board Community


Welcome to the heartwarming world of the Tampa Bay Letter Board Community! We're not just an organization; we're a vibrant family on a mission to empower the neurodiverse population with effective communication and motor support. Nestled in the heart of Tampa Bay, our community radiates acceptance, inclusion, and access, extending its warm embrace far beyond the Florida sunshine.

What We Believe

At our core, we believe in the magic that happens when communication and community come together. We're on a mission to ensure that every member of our neurodiverse family can express themselves freely and bask in the glow of being a valued part of their community. We're not just creating a space; we're cultivating an experience where each individual shines, building connections that go beyond words. So, buckle up for an exciting journey where your uniqueness is not just celebrated but cherished.


Who We Are

Picture a community that's not just a gathering but a symphony of intelligence, humor, and love. Our members aren't just participants; they're the heart and soul of a tapestry woven with bright threads of wit, warmth, and wisdom. Whether you're the brainiac, the jokester, or the one with a heart full of love, you'll find your place in this dynamic mix.


Here, intelligence sparkles, humor dances, and love flows freely. We're not just creating connections; we're fostering friendships that stand the test of time. Join us in this incredible journey, where the warmth of our community feels like a sunbeam on a chilly day—comforting, inviting, and full of possibilities. Your story begins here, and we can't wait to write the next chapter together! 🌟🤝✨


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